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Welcome to my private wiki page. The content was becoming quickly outdated and I decided to start from scratch. I may transfer some of the old content, but just be cognizant that this is in the spirit of starting anew. Last several years of my life have been focused around developing a comprehensive data management system in health care, and this wiki may reflect some of the outpourings and other experiments. I have also opened up the wiki for general public -- hopefully for good -- albeit with much consideration.
== Classical Literature (古典文學 고전문학) ==

Thanks for stopping by, and see you around.
* East Asian Classics (東洋古文 동양고문)
** Beginning educational texts (初學 초학)
*** [[삼자경|Three Character Classic (三字經 삼자경)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中, 開始日 2024-02-20</span>
*** [[백가성|One Hundred Family Names (百家姓 백가성)]]
*** [[천자문|One Thousand Characters (千字文 천자문)]] <span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓文完成, 終了日 2016-07-30</span>
*** [[사자소학|Four Character Book of Learning (四字小學 사자소학)]] <span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓文完成, 終了日 2024-03-18</span>
*** [[추구|Compiled Writings (推句 추구)]] <span class="badge bdata bggreen bgyellow">原文完成, 終了日 2024-03-18</span>
*** Prose (散文 산문)
**** [[동몽선습|Starting text for teaching the young (童蒙先習 동몽선습)]]
**** [[명심보감|The Precious Mirror for A Bright Heart/Mind (明心寶鑑 명심보감)]]
**** [[격몽요결| The Secret of Expelling Ignorance (擊蒙要訣 격몽요결)]]
*** Misc
**** Combined Categories [of Various Topics for Tutelage of Children] (類合 유합)
**** Collection of Characters for Training the Unenlightened (訓蒙字會 훈몽자회)
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經 사서오경)
*** 四書
**** [[대학|The Great Learning (大學 대학)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
**** Analects (論語 논어)
**** Mencius (孟子 맹자)
**** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸 중용)
*** 五經
**** Book of Odes (詩經 시경)
**** Book of Documents (書經 서경)
**** Book of Changes (易經 역경)
**** Book of Rites (禮記 예기)
***** Rites of Zhou (周禮 주례)
**** Annals of Spring and Autumn (春秋 춘추)
** 孝
*** 孝子傳, 藝文類聚, 太平御覽, 搜神記
*** The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars (二十四孝 이십사효)
** The Thirteen Classics (十三經 십삼경) from Han dynasty to Song dynasty
*** Book of Changes (易經 역경)
*** Book of Documents (書經 서경)
*** Book of Odes (詩經 시경)
*** Three [Books of] Rites (三禮 삼례)
**** Rites of Zhou (周禮 주례)
**** Ceremonies and Rites (儀禮 의례)
**** Book of Rites (禮記 예기)
*** The Great Learning (大學 대학)
*** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸 중용)
*** Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋三傳 춘추삼전)
**** The Commentary of Zuo (左傳 좌전)
**** The Commentary of Gongyang (公羊傳 공양전)
**** The Commentary of Guliang (穀梁傳 곡량전)
*** Analects (論語 논어)
*** The Classic of Filial Piety (孝經 효경)
*** Erya, the Dictionary (爾雅 이아)
*** Mencius (孟子 맹자)
** [[고사성어|East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
* [[漢字|Classical Chinese Characters (漢字, 한자)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>

[[Laravel 5]]
=== Notes ===
* [[공자의 사학|孔子之私學]]
* [[주자학 망국론|조선은 주자학 때문에 망했을까?]]
* [[학자|Scholars (學者, 학자)]]
* [[고문|Old texts (古文, 고문)]]
* Korean [http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=05Q02&articleno=11822827&categoryId=4&regdt=20110628201011 國樂의 意義]
* [[Internet privacy]]
* 大學之道在止於至善
** [http://m.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=37888 대학지도재지어지선(大學之道在止於至善)]
* [[조선시대의 삶|조선시대의 兩班들의 삶 (Life of Yangbans during Joseon dynasty)]]
* [[24절기|24 Seasons (二十四節氣, 24절기)]]
* [[Hanja IME|Hanja IME (漢字入力, 한자입력)]] - ZhengMa Input Method (鄭碼輸入法, 정마수입법)
* [[How Korean pronunciations of hanja are linked to Chinese pronunciation]]
* [[朱子家禮]]
* [[진리편독삼자경]]
* [http://yoksa.aks.ac.kr/main.jsp 한국학 디지털 아카이브]
== Classical Education/Arts (古藝, 고예) ==
=== Eastern (東) ===
* Six Arts (六藝, 육예) from Zhou (周, 주) (1046 - 256 BC)
** Rites (禮, 례)
** Music (樂, 악)
*** [[文廟祭禮樂|문묘제례악 (文廟祭禮樂)]]
** Archery (射, 사)
** Charioteering (御, 어)
** [[Calligraphy|Calligraphy (書, 서)]]
** Mathematics (數, 수) (장기나 바둑같은 것도 數에 포함)
* Four Arts (四藝) from Tang (唐, 당) (618 - 907 AD)
** Stringed instrument, qin/guqin (琴, 금)
** [[Baduk|Strategy game of baduk, go, qi/weiqi (棋/圍棋, 바둑, 기)]]
** [[Calligraphy|Calligraphy, shu (書, 서)]]
** Painting, hua (畫, 화)
* [[서당|서당 (書堂, Village School)]]
*By countries
=== Western (西) ===
* Liberal arts education since [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boethius Boethius] ([https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%B3%B4%EC%9D%B4%ED%8B%B0%EC%9A%B0%EC%8A%A4 보이티우스 (또는 보에티우스)] 이후의 교양교육)
** Trivium (三學, 삼학)
*** Grammar (文法, 문법)
*** Logic (論理學, 논리학)
*** Rhetoric (修辭學, 수사학)
** Quadrivium (四科, 사과)
*** Arithmetic; abstractions
*** Geometry; spatial
*** Music; time
*** Astronomy; spacetime
** Advanced (高等敎育, 고등교육)
*** Theology (神學, 신학)
*** Philosophy (哲學, 철학)
* Modern liberal arts education
** Arts (fine arts, music, performing arts, literature)
** [[Philosophy]]
** Religious studies
** Social science ([[Anthropology|anthropology]], geography, history, jurisprudence, linguistics, political science, [[Psychology|psychology]], sociology)
** Mathematics
** Natural Sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences)
== Classical Music (古樂, 고악) ==
* East Asian Music (極東樂, 극동악)
** Korea (韓國, 한국)
*** [[gayageum|gayageum (伽倻琴, 가야금)]]
** China (中國, 중국)
*** [[guzheng|guzheng (古箏, 고쟁)]]
*** [[pipa|pipa (琵琶, 비파)]]
*** [[guqin|guqin (古琴, 고금)]]
** Japan (日本, 일본)
*** Court music (雅楽, 아악, gagaku)
**** [[sokyoku|sokyoku (箏曲, 쟁곡)]]
== Traditional Medicine (古醫書, 고의서) ==
* [https://mediclassics.kr/books/8 Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑, 동의보감)]
*[https://oasis.kiom.re.kr/herblib/ 한약자원연구센터 (kiom.re.kr)] (e.g. https://herba.kr/boncho/?m=view&t=dict&id=8737)
== Traditional Architecture (古建築, 고건축/전통건축) ==
* Reference notes
** Korea (韓國, 한국)
*** https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=oosiohc&logNo=3960516&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
*** http://m.materic.or.kr/res/res01_view.asp?f_id=91&page=2&s_kinds=&s_word=
** China (中國, 중국)
*** http://english.cri.cn/12474/2014/06/24/167s833048.htm
** Japan (日本, 일본)
*** https://www.japan-talk.com/jt/new/japanese-houses
* Ancient architecture
** [https://private.michaelhan.net/snapshots/ancient-gaya-house.pdf Gaya (伽倻, 가야)]
== Language Learning ==
* [[Kannada Language]]
* [[Korean Language]]
** [[Debate on hangeul hanja mixed usage]]
* [[Japanese Language]]
* [[Chinese Languages]]
* [[漢字敎育]]
* [[Lexicography]]
* Resources
** [https://downloads.freemdict.com/ Dictionaries]
** [http://ipa-reader.xyz/ IPA reader]
** [http://musa.bet/home.htm Musa, the better way to write any language]
== Development ==
* [[Databases]]
** [[Oracle]]
* [[Development]]
** [[Marmoi]]
** [[D3.js]]
** [[Ruby]]
** [[Semantic web]]
** [[Solid]]
** [[Flutter]]
** [[Web development]]
* Networking
** [[Networking]]
** [[VPN]]
** [[Pi-hole]]
** [[Nginx]]
** [https://daniel.haxx.se/http2/ HTTP/2]
** [https://daniel.haxx.se/http3-explained/ HTTP/3]
* [[Drivers]]
More development related contents are available via [[WIP]]
== Ministry ==
* [[Ministry resources|교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)]]
* [[Missions|Missions (宣敎, 선교)]]
* [[日本キリスト教]]
* Bibles (聖經, 성경)
** [[국한문성경|Korean Bible with hanja (국한문개역성경, 國漢文改易聖經 aka 한국어성경, 韓國語聖經)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓語完成, 2017-08-16</span>
*** [http://www.sihong.pe.kr/ 混用]
*** [http://www.cherald.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=6471 한자성경과 천자문 배우기]
** [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E8%81%96%E7%B6%93_(%E6%96%87%E7%90%86%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88) Wenli Union Version - in classical Chinese (문리합본판성경, 文理和合版聖經)]
*** [http://www.hanjanews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=5660 1912 漢文聖經]
*** [https://www.bible.com/versions/1578 YouVersion 《文理和合譯本》 (CUHWV)]
*** [http://rcuv.hkbs.org.hk/RCUVs_1/GEN/1/ Hong Kong Bible Society (RCUV)]
** [[新改訳聖書|New Japanese Revised Bible with rubi (新改訳聖書, 후리가나 포함된 일본어 신개역성서)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>
*** [[日本語聖書|About commonly used Japanese Bibles (日本語聖書)]]
* Bible reading plans (聖經閱讀計劃表, 성경읽기표)
** [http://sihong.pe.kr/cn/[1year].html 관주성경사이트 읽기표]
** [http://b.woorichurch.org/tongdok.asp?lef=2 분당우리교회 읽기표]
** [https://oneyearbibleonline.com/reading-plan-downloads/ Tyndale 일년 읽기표]
* Devotionals (敬虔文書, 경건문서)
** [[Chambers/Utmost|오스왈드 챔버스作 《주님은 나의 최고봉》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span> ([[Chambers/Utmost/{{LOCALMONTH1}}-{{LOCALDAY}}|오늘의 글 읽기]])
** [[Chambers/Thoughts|오스왈드 챔버스作 《제자를 위한 매일의 생각》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
** [[De imitatione Christi|토마스 아 켐피스作 《그리스도를 본받아》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
* [[Common theological misunderstandings|Common misunderstandings (反管窺蠡測 일반적인 오해)]]
== Miscellaneous ==
* Virtual meetings
** [[Zoom]]
*[[Tragedy of modernity]]