4,097 bytes added ,  1 October 2019
Line 796: Line 796:
// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: false, canWrite: false}
// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: false, canWrite: false}
an impure function --it changes DOM
<source lang="js">
function Header(text) {
  let h1 = document.createElement("h1");
  h1.innerText = text;
Header("Header() caused side effects");
In React, UI is expressed with pure functions. e.g.
<source lang="js">
const Header = props => <h1>{props.title}</h1>;
==== Guideline for writing pure functions ====
# at least one argument
# return a value or another function
# should not change or mutate any of its arguments
=== Data Transformations ===
via Array.map and Array.reduce
using Array.join
<source lang="js">
const schools = ["Yorktown", "Washington & Lee", "Wakefield"];
console.log(schools.join(", "));
// "Yorktown, Washington & Lee, Wakefield"
create a new array of the schools that begin with the letter "W"
<source lang="js">
const wSchools = schools.filter(school => school[0] === "W");
// ["Washington & Lee", "Wakefield"]
when removing an item from an array, use Array.filter over .pop() or .splice() because .filter() is immutable
<source lang="js">
const cutSchool = (cut, list) => list.filter(school => school !== cut);
console.log(cutSchool("Washington & Lee", schools).join(", "));
// "Yorktown, Wakefield"
// Yorktown
// Washington & Lee
// Wakefield
Array.map takes a function as its argument which will be invoked once for every item in the array, and whatever it returns will be added to the new array
<source lang="js">
const highSchools = schools.map(school => `${school} High School`);
// Yorktown High School
// Washington & Lee High School
// Wakefield High School
// Yorktown
// Washington & Lee
// Wakefield
e.g. return an object for every school
<source lang="js">
const highSchools = schools.map(school => ({ name: school }));
// [
// { name: "Yorktown" },
// { name: "Washington & Lee" },
// { name: "Wakefield" }
// ]
pure f(x) that changes one object in an array of objects
<source lang="js">
let schools = [
  { name: "Yorktown" },
  { name: "Stratford" },
  { name: "Washington & Lee" },
  { name: "Wakefield" }
const editName = (oldName, name, arr) =>
  arr.map(item => {
    if (item.name === oldName) {
      return {
    } else {
      return item;
let updatedSchools = editName("Stratford", "HB Woodlawn", schools);
console.log(updatedSchools[1]); // { name: "HB Woodlawn" }
console.log(schools[1]); // { name: "Stratford" }
// equivalent to
const editName = (oldName, name, arr) =>
  arr.map(item => (item.name === oldName ? { ...item, name } : item));
transform schools object into an array of schools:
<source lang="js">
const schools = {
  Yorktown: 10,
  "Washington & Lee": 2,
  Wakefield: 5
const schoolArray = Object.keys(schools).map(key => ({
  name: key,
  wins: schools[key]
// [
// {
// name: "Yorktown",
// wins: 10
// },
// {
// name: "Washington & Lee",
// wins: 2
// },
// {
// name: "Wakefield",
// wins: 5
// }
// ]
<code>reduce</code> and <code>reduceRight</code> are used to trasnform an array into any value, including a number, string, boolean, object, or even a function
maximum number in an array of numbers
<source lang="js">
const ages = [21, 18, 42, 40, 64, 63, 34];
const maxAge = ages.reduce((max, age) => {
  console.log(`${age} > ${max} = ${age > max}`);
  if (age > max) {
    return age;
  } else {
    return max;
}, 0);
console.log("maxAge", maxAge);
// 21 > 0 = true
// 18 > 21 = false
// 42 > 21 = true
// 40 > 42 = false
// 64 > 42 = true
// 63 > 64 = false
// 34 > 64 = false
// maxAge 64
// equivalent to
const max = ages.reduce((max, value) => (value > max ? value : max), 0);
reduce takes two arguments: a callback function & an original value
reduceRight simply starts reducing from the end of the array rather than the beginning