Organizations in Korea
- 한국유치원총연합회, Korea Kindergarten Association (aka 한유총) Facebook page (added on 12/3/2018)
Civil, Pro-North Korea (mostly controversial, and illegal according to South Korean laws)
- 위인맞이 환영단 (lit. "The Great Man Welcoming Group")
- Organized by young adults to welcome the visit of Kim Jong-un
- 백두칭송위원회 (lit. "Baek-du Praise Committee")
- a coalition of about 13 pro-North Korean organizations to welcome the visit of Kim Jong-un
- 조국통일범민족연합(祖國統一凡民族聯合, "jo-guk-tong-il-beom-min-jok-yeon-hap", lit. "All People's Association for National Unification") (aka 범민련)
- 통합진보당, Unified Progressive Party
- a political party that was banned in 2014
- 한국진보연대(韓國進步連帶, Korea Alliance For Progressive Movement, aka. KAPM)
- 민주주의민족통일전국연합 (民主主義民族統一全國聯合, aka. 전국연합)
- 민족해방민중민주주의혁명론 (民族解放民衆民主主義革命論, National Liberation People's Democracy Revolution, aka. NLPDR) -- 민족해방파(民族解放派, National Liberation; NL)
- 민주헌법쟁취국민운동본부 (民主憲法爭取國民運動本部)
- 조국통일범민족청년학생연합 (祖國統一汎民族青年學生聯合, aka. 범청학련)
- 주사파(主思派, "ju-sa-pa", lit. "Pro-Juche ideology group")
- Groups formed during student protests of 1980s that promotes pro-North Korean ideology -- usually strongly anti-American