Ankle Foot Exerciser

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Thanks for Your Purchase

We are very glad having you as customer, enjoy exercising and let us know how fast you are progressing! You made the right choice, Ankle Foot Exerciser has been designed to help everybody having stronger ankles and feet, procuring better posture, less injuries... no required skills, no equipment, anywhere, even in the water to have smoother sensations, before running to have a more responsive foot and a more efficient stride, after a long trek to release ankle's tension. Just 3 minutes to complete an exercise (when brushing your teeth!), no extra space required.

Unique design Ankle Foot Exerciser

Ankle Foot Exercise is a modular kit of 4 blocs. The device is so simple to use that it is now integrated into the ankle rehabilitation process by high-level athletes.

Packaged in a set of four colored squares, each plate is 4 inches long with a distinctive base to vary the type and level of exercise performed.

Black: Full stability: 2 full cylinders placed at the sides of the square.

Red and Blue: Medium instability: 2 half cylinders placed in the center of the square.

White: Full instability: a half ball shape placed in the center of the square.

Ankle Foot Exerciser is Life changing!

When it comes to precision therapeutic ankle and foot exercises, the ability to bias the weakest link and train specifically, this is what matters. When working out on the Ankle Foot Exerciser, results are exclusively targeted on ANKLE and FOOT.

  1. Security: low amplitude prevent any risk of accident (ligaments cannot be damaged), the square touches the ground at the slightest imbalance
  2. Low angular clearance allows to target specifically ankle and foot. This is such a difference with other devices with offer a big angular clearance that knee and hip have a predominant role in the attempt of stabilization
  3. Angular ankle and foot displacement will limit the action of the sensory neurons located in the inner ear which are in control of the body balance, and the cerebellar system, which regulate coordination
  4. Placed on 2 instable squares, it allows for each exercise, to dissociate the front foot from the back foot. This is the only way to target specific muscles of the ankle and the foot individually.


The ankle, or the talocrural region, is the region where the foot and the leg meet. In motion, the foot orients obliquely from top to bottom, from inside to outside and from front to back around the transverse axis of the talocrural joint. It is not a pure movement at the level of the hindfoot, but rather a combination of two complex movements that cross the three anatomical planes of the body:

Eversion & Inversion
Eversion Inversion
Combination of dorsal flexion, pronation and abduction Combination of plantar flexion, supination and adduction

When working out on the Ankle Foot Exerciser, people report it is more difficult to find balance than on any balance board. Why? Because muscle soreness occurs specifically on the ankle's muscles. On other devices, muscular reaction is not the same, muscle soreness occurs on the whole low part of the body.

Targeting specifically on the ankle's muslces:

  1. Increase lateral (adduction and abduction) range of motion
  2. Improve the ankle's ability for pronation or supination by training specifically rotation muscles depending on whether you are pronator or supinator
  3. Enhance a better dorsiflexion (dorsal flexion): ankle dorsiflexion restrictions can hinder performance and lead to dysfunctional movement patterns. Specific exercises based on back foot segments with the white square (half ball shape) will improve ankle dorsiflexion range of motion.