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**** [[명심보감|The Precious Mirror for A Bright Heart/Mind (明心寶鑑, 명심보감)]]
**** [[명심보감|The Precious Mirror for A Bright Heart/Mind (明心寶鑑, 명심보감)]]
**** [[격몽요결| The Secret of Expelling Ignorance (擊蒙要訣, 격몽요결)]]
**** [[격몽요결| The Secret of Expelling Ignorance (擊蒙要訣, 격몽요결)]]
*** Misc
**** 유합
**** 훈몽자회
** Middle-level educational texts
*** 推句集, 추구집
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
*** 四書
*** 四書