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add upto currying function
Line 997: Line 997:

reduceRight simply starts reducing from the end of the array rather than the beginning
reduceRight simply starts reducing from the end of the array rather than the beginning
transform an array into an object
<source lang="js">
const colors = [
    id: "xekare",
    title: "rad red",
    rating: 3
    id: "jbwsof",
    title: "big blue",
    rating: 2
    id: "prigbj",
    title: "grizzly grey",
    rating: 5
    id: "ryhbhsl",
    title: "banana",
    rating: 1
const hashColors = colors.reduce((hash, { id, title, rating }) => {
  hash[id] = { title, rating };
  return hash;
}, {});
// {
// "xekare": {
// title:"rad red",
// rating:3
// },
// "jbwsof": {
// title:"big blue",
// rating:2
// },
// "prigbj": {
// title:"grizzly grey",
// rating:5
// },
// "ryhbhsl": {
// title:"banana",
// rating:1
// }
// }
reducing an array with multiple instances of the same value to an array of unique values
<source lang="js">
const colors = ["red", "red", "green", "blue", "green"];
const uniqueColors = colors.reduce(
  (unique, color) =>
    unique.indexOf(color) !== -1 ? unique : [...unique, color],
// ["red", "green", "blue"]
=== Higher-Order Functions ===
functions that can manipulate other functions; can take functions in as arguments, or return functions, or both
<source lang="js">
const invokeIf = (condition, fnTrue, fnFalse) =>
  condition ? fnTrue() : fnFalse();
const showWelcome = () => console.log("Welcome!!!");
const showUnauthorized = () => console.log("Unauthorized!!!");
invokeIf(true, showWelcome, showUnauthorized); // "Welcome!!!"
invokeIf(false, showWelcome, showUnauthorized); // "Unauthorized!!!"
e.g. currying
</source lang="js">
const userLogs = userName => message =>
  console.log(`${userName} -> ${message}`);
const log = userLogs("grandpa23");
log("attempted to load 20 fake members");
  members => log(`successfully loaded ${members.length} members`),
  error => log("encountered an error loading members")
// grandpa23 -> attempted to load 20 fake members
// grandpa23 -> successfully loaded 20 members
// grandpa23 -> attempted to load 20 fake members
// grandpa23 -> encountered an error loading members

Revision as of 10:09, 1 October 2019

Notes from Learning React, 2nd Edition by Porcello & Banks


// initialize a nodejs project (creates package.json)
$ npm init -y

// package manager 
$ npm install yarn

$ yarn install packagename

$ yarn remove packagename


Kangax compatibility table

Three ways to declare variables are

  1. const
  2. var
  3. let

Template string

console.log(`${lastName}, ${firstName} ${middleName}`);

document.body.innerHTML = `
      <h1>The React Blog</h1>
      <p>copyright ${new Date().getYear()} | The React Blog</p>

Function declaration vs function expression

declarations are hoisted

const f = function() {

Arrow functions

const lordify = function(firstName) {
  return `${firstName} of Canterbury`;

// equals

const lordify = firstName => `${firstName} of Canterbury`;

Returning an object


const person = (firstName, lastName) => ({
  first: firstName,
  last: lastName

console.log(person("Flad", "Hanson"));

Arrow functions and scope

const tahoe = {
  mountains: ["Freel", "Rose", "Tallac", "Rubicon", "Silver"],
  print: function(delay = 1000) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      console.log(this.mountains.join(", "));
    }, delay);

tahoe.print(); // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of undefined

console.log(this); // Window {}

To solve this problem:

const tahoe = {
  mountains: ["Freel", "Rose", "Tallac", "Rubicon", "Silver"],
  print: function(delay = 1000) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log(this.mountains.join(", "));
    }, delay);

tahoe.print(); // Freel, Rose, Tallac, Rubicon, Silver

Destructing objects

const sandwich = {
  bread: "dutch crunch",
  meat: "tuna",
  cheese: "swiss",
  toppings: ["lettuce", "tomato", "mustard"]

const { bread, meat } = sandwich;

console.log(bread, meat); // dutch crunch tuna

const sandwich = {
  bread: "dutch crunch",
  meat: "tuna",
  cheese: "swiss",
  toppings: ["lettuce", "tomato", "mustard"]

let { bread, meat } = sandwich;

bread = "garlic";
meat = "turkey";

console.log(bread); // garlic
console.log(meat); // turkey

console.log(sandwich.bread, sandwich.meat); // dutch crunch tuna

destructuring parameter

const lordify = ({ firstname }) => {
  console.log(`${firstname} of Canterbury`);

const regularPerson = {
  firstname: "Bill",
  lastname: "Wilson"

lordify(regularPerson); // Bill of Canterbury

const regularPerson = {
  firstname: "Bill",
  lastname: "Wilson",
  spouse: {
    firstname: "Phil",
    lastname: "Wilson"

const lordify = ({ spouse: { firstname } }) => {
  console.log(`${firstname} of Canterbury`);

lordify(regularPerson); // Phil of Canterbury

Destructuring arrays

const [firstAnimal] = ["Horse", "Mouse", "Cat"];

console.log(firstAnimal); // Horse

const [, , thirdAnimal] = ["Horse", "Mouse", "Cat"];

console.log(thirdAnimal); // Cat

Object literal enhancement

const name = "Tallac";
const elevation = 9738;

const funHike = { name, elevation };

console.log(funHike); // {name: "Tallac", elevation: 9738}
const name = "Tallac";
const elevation = 9738;
const print = function() {
  console.log(`Mt. ${} is ${this.elevation} feet tall`);

const funHike = { name, elevation, print };

funHike.print(); // Mt. Tallac is 9738 feet tall

old vs. new: object syntax

// Old
var skier = {
  name: name,
  sound: sound,
  powderYell: function() {
    var yell = this.sound.toUpperCase();
    console.log(`${yell} ${yell} ${yell}!!!`);
  speed: function(mph) {
    this.speed = mph;
    console.log("speed:", mph);

// New
const skier = {
  powderYell() {
    let yell = this.sound.toUpperCase();
    console.log(`${yell} ${yell} ${yell}!!!`);
  speed(mph) {
    this.speed = mph;
    console.log("speed:", mph);

Spread operator

const peaks = ["Tallac", "Ralston", "Rose"];
const canyons = ["Ward", "Blackwood"];
const tahoe = [...peaks, ...canyons];

console.log(tahoe.join(", ")); // Tallac, Ralston, Rose, Ward, Blackwood

Getting last element:

const peaks = ["Tallac", "Ralston", "Rose"];
const [last] = peaks.reverse();

console.log(last); // Rose
console.log(peaks.join(", ")); // Rose, Ralston, Tallac

Getting the rest of elements:

const lakes = ["Donner", "Marlette", "Fallen Leaf", "Cascade"];

const [first, ...others] = lakes;

console.log(others.join(", ")); // Marlette, Fallen Leaf, Cascade

function parameters:

function directions(...args) {
  let [start, ...remaining] = args;
  let [finish, ...stops] = remaining.reverse();

  console.log(`drive through ${args.length} towns`);
  console.log(`start in ${start}`);
  console.log(`the destination is ${finish}`);
  console.log(`stopping ${stops.length} times in between`);

directions("Truckee", "Tahoe City", "Sunnyside", "Homewood", "Tahoma");

combining objects:

const morning = {
  breakfast: "oatmeal",
  lunch: "peanut butter and jelly"

const dinner = "mac and cheese";

const backpackingMeals = {


// {
//   breakfast: "oatmeal",
//   lunch: "peanut butter and jelly",
//   dinner: "mac and cheese"
// }

Asynchronous requests

Simple promises with fetch

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => json.results)


const getFakePerson = async () => {
  try {
    let res = await fetch("");
    let { results } = res.json();
  } catch (error) {


Building Promises

const getPeople = count =>
  new Promise((resolves, rejects) => {
    const api = `${count}`;
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", api);
    request.onload = () =>
      request.status === 200
        ? resolves(JSON.parse(request.response).results)
        : reject(Error(request.statusText));
    request.onerror = err => rejects(err);

  .then(members => console.log(members))
  .catch(error => console.error(`getPeople failed: ${error.message}`))


prototypical inheritance

function Vacation(destination, length) {
  this.destination = destination;
  this.length = length;

Vacation.prototype.print = function() {
  console.log(this.destination + " | " + this.length + " days");

const maui = new Vacation("Maui", 7);

maui.print(); // Maui | 7 days

ES2015 way of declaring class

class Vacation {
  constructor(destination, length) {
    this.destination = destination;
    this.length = length;

  print() {
    console.log(`${this.destination} will take ${this.length} days.`);

const trip = new Vacation("Santiago, Chile", 7);

trip.print(); // Chile will take 7 days.

Simple inheritance

class Expedition extends Vacation {
  constructor(destination, length, gear) {
    super(destination, length);
    this.gear = gear;

  print() {
    console.log(`Bring your ${this.gear.join(" and your ")}`);

const trip = new Expedition("Mt. Whitney", 3, [
  "prayer flags",


// Mt. Whitney will take 3 days.
// Bring your sunglasses and your prayer flags and your camera

ES6 Modules

A module is a peice of reusable code that can easily be incorporated into other JavaScript files without causing variable collisions.

In text-helpers.js, two functions are exported:

export const print(message) => log(message, new Date())

export const log(message, timestamp) =>
  console.log(`${timestamp.toString()}: ${message}`)

Exporting only one variable from a module using export default

export default new Expedition("Mt. Freel", 2, ['water","snack"]);

Consuming using the import command

import { print, log } from "./text-helpers";
import freel from "./mt-freel";

print("printing a message");
log("logging a message");


scoping under different name:

import { print as p, log as l } from "./text-helpers";

p("printing a message");
l("logging a message");

import everything

import * as fns from './text-helpers`


the module pattern that is supported by all versions of Node, "Modules"


const print(message) => log(message, new Date())

const log(message, timestamp) =>
console.log(`${timestamp.toString()}: ${message}`}

module.exports = {print, log}

CommonJS does not support an import statement; modules are mported with the require function

const { log, print } = require("./txt-helpers");

Functional Programming with JavaScript

What it means to be functional

JavaScript functions are first-class citizens -- they can do the same things that variables can do. Functions can represent data. e.g.

var log = function(msg) {

log("In JS functions are variables");

// equivalent to

const log = msg => { console.log(msg); };

we can add them to objects:

const obj = {
  msg: "they can be added to objects like variables",
  log(msg) { console.log(msg); }


add them to arrays:

const messages = [
  "They can be inserted into arrays",
  message => console.log(message),
  "like variables",
  message => console.log(message)

messages[1](messages[0]); // They can be inserted into arrays
messages[3](messages[2]); // like variables

send to other functions as arguments:

const insideFn = logger => {
  logger("They can be sent to other functions as arguments");

insideFn(message => console.log(message));

// They can be sent to other functions as arguments

returned from other functions:

const createScream = function(logger) {
  return function(message) {
    logger(message.toUpperCase() + "!!!");

const scream = createScream(message => console.log(message));

scream("functions can be returned from other functions");
scream("createScream returns a function");
scream("scream invokes that returned function");


// equivalent to (using arrows)

const createScream = logger => message => {
  logger(message.toUpperCase() + "!!!");

// when more than one arrows exist, there's a higher-order function


Imperative versus declarative

// making a string URL friendly


const string = "Restaurants in Hanalei";
const urlFriendly = "";

for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
  if (string[i] === " ") {
    urlFriendly += "-";
  } else {
    urlFriendly += string[i];

console.log(urlFriendly); // "Restaurants-in-Hanalei"


const string = "Restaurants in Hanalei";
const urlFriendly = string.replace(/ /g, "-");


Reference: Declarative Programming wiki -- more about d/p paradigm

Declaring DOM example

// imperative approach

const target = document.getElementById("target");
const wrapper = document.createElement("div");
const headline = document.createElement("h1"); = "welcome";
headline.innerText = "Hello World";


// declarative approach using a React component

const { render } = ReactDOM;

const Welcome = () => (
  <div id="welcome">
    <h1>Hello World</h1>

render(<Welcome />, document.getElementById("target"));

Functional concepts

core concepts: immutability, purity, data transformation, higher-order functions, and recursion


data mutation

let color_lawn = {
  title: "lawn",
  color: "#00ff00",
  rating: 0

function rateColor(color, rating) {
  color.rating = rating;
  return color;

console.log(rateColor(color_lawn, 5).rating); // 5
console.log(color_lawn.rating); // 5

in JS, function arguments are references to the actual data; we can rewrite so it does not harm the original data

const rateColor = function(color, rating) {
  return Object.assign({}, color, { rating: rating }); // take a blank object, copy copy to that object, and overwrite rating on the copy

console.log(rateColor(color_lawn, 5).rating); // 5
console.log(color_lawn.rating); // 4

// use the spread operator to copy the color into a new object and then overwrite its rating:
// equivalent to

const rateColor = (color, rating) => ({

adding elements to an array

let list = [{ title: "Rad Red" }, { title: "Lawn" }, { title: "Party Pink" }];

const addColor = function(title, colors) {
  colors.push({ title: title });
  return colors;

console.log(addColor("Glam Green", list).length); // 4
console.log(list.length); // 4

// use Array.concat to keep immutable

const addColor = (title, array) => array.concat({ title });

console.log(addColor("Glam Green", list).length); // 4
console.log(list.length); // 3

// equivalent using spread operator
// copies the original list to a new array and then adds a new object containing the color's title to that copy.

const addColor = (title, list) => [...list, { title }];

Pure Functions

function that returns a value that is computed based on its argument; treats arguments as immutable data, so nothing else is changed about the application

e.g. impure function

const frederick = {
  name: "Frederick Douglass",
  canRead: false,
  canWrite: false

function selfEducate() {
  frederick.canRead = true;
  frederick.canWrite = true;
  return frederick;


// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: true, canWrite: true}

// still the same result

const selfEducate = person => {
  person.canRead = true;
  person.canWrite = true;
  return person;


// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: true, canWrite: true}
// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: true, canWrite: true}

have this function take an argument (now pure)

const frederick = {
  name: "Frederick Douglass",
  canRead: false,
  canWrite: false

const selfEducate = person => ({
  canRead: true,
  canWrite: true


// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: true, canWrite: true}
// {name: "Frederick Douglass", canRead: false, canWrite: false}

an impure function --it changes DOM

function Header(text) {
  let h1 = document.createElement("h1");
  h1.innerText = text;

Header("Header() caused side effects");

In React, UI is expressed with pure functions. e.g.

const Header = props => <h1>{props.title}</h1>;

Guideline for writing pure functions

  1. at least one argument
  2. return a value or another function
  3. should not change or mutate any of its arguments

Data Transformations

via and Array.reduce

using Array.join

const schools = ["Yorktown", "Washington & Lee", "Wakefield"];

console.log(schools.join(", "));

// "Yorktown, Washington & Lee, Wakefield"

create a new array of the schools that begin with the letter "W"

const wSchools = schools.filter(school => school[0] === "W");

// ["Washington & Lee", "Wakefield"]

when removing an item from an array, use Array.filter over .pop() or .splice() because .filter() is immutable

const cutSchool = (cut, list) => list.filter(school => school !== cut);

console.log(cutSchool("Washington & Lee", schools).join(", "));

// "Yorktown, Wakefield"


// Yorktown
// Washington & Lee
// Wakefield takes a function as its argument which will be invoked once for every item in the array, and whatever it returns will be added to the new array

const highSchools = => `${school} High School`);


// Yorktown High School
// Washington & Lee High School
// Wakefield High School


// Yorktown
// Washington & Lee
// Wakefield

e.g. return an object for every school

const highSchools = => ({ name: school }));


// [
// { name: "Yorktown" },
// { name: "Washington & Lee" },
// { name: "Wakefield" }
// ]

pure f(x) that changes one object in an array of objects

let schools = [
  { name: "Yorktown" },
  { name: "Stratford" },
  { name: "Washington & Lee" },
  { name: "Wakefield" }

const editName = (oldName, name, arr) => => {
    if ( === oldName) {
      return {
    } else {
      return item;

let updatedSchools = editName("Stratford", "HB Woodlawn", schools);

console.log(updatedSchools[1]); // { name: "HB Woodlawn" }
console.log(schools[1]); // { name: "Stratford" }

// equivalent to

const editName = (oldName, name, arr) => => ( === oldName ? { ...item, name } : item));

transform schools object into an array of schools:

const schools = {
  Yorktown: 10,
  "Washington & Lee": 2,
  Wakefield: 5

const schoolArray = Object.keys(schools).map(key => ({
  name: key,
  wins: schools[key]


// [
// {
// name: "Yorktown",
// wins: 10
// },
// {
// name: "Washington & Lee",
// wins: 2
// },
// {
// name: "Wakefield",
// wins: 5
// }
// ]

reduce and reduceRight are used to trasnform an array into any value, including a number, string, boolean, object, or even a function

maximum number in an array of numbers

const ages = [21, 18, 42, 40, 64, 63, 34];

const maxAge = ages.reduce((max, age) => {
  console.log(`${age} > ${max} = ${age > max}`);
  if (age > max) {
    return age;
  } else {
    return max;
}, 0);

console.log("maxAge", maxAge);

// 21 > 0 = true
// 18 > 21 = false
// 42 > 21 = true
// 40 > 42 = false
// 64 > 42 = true
// 63 > 64 = false
// 34 > 64 = false
// maxAge 64

// equivalent to

const max = ages.reduce((max, value) => (value > max ? value : max), 0);

reduce takes two arguments: a callback function & an original value

reduceRight simply starts reducing from the end of the array rather than the beginning

transform an array into an object

const colors = [
    id: "xekare",
    title: "rad red",
    rating: 3
    id: "jbwsof",
    title: "big blue",
    rating: 2
    id: "prigbj",
    title: "grizzly grey",
    rating: 5
    id: "ryhbhsl",
    title: "banana",
    rating: 1

const hashColors = colors.reduce((hash, { id, title, rating }) => {
  hash[id] = { title, rating };
  return hash;
}, {});


// {
// "xekare": {
// title:"rad red",
// rating:3
// },
// "jbwsof": {
// title:"big blue",
// rating:2
// },
// "prigbj": {
// title:"grizzly grey",
// rating:5
// },
// "ryhbhsl": {
// title:"banana",
// rating:1
// }
// }

reducing an array with multiple instances of the same value to an array of unique values

const colors = ["red", "red", "green", "blue", "green"];

const uniqueColors = colors.reduce(
  (unique, color) =>
    unique.indexOf(color) !== -1 ? unique : [...unique, color],


// ["red", "green", "blue"]

Higher-Order Functions

functions that can manipulate other functions; can take functions in as arguments, or return functions, or both


const invokeIf = (condition, fnTrue, fnFalse) =>
  condition ? fnTrue() : fnFalse();

const showWelcome = () => console.log("Welcome!!!");

const showUnauthorized = () => console.log("Unauthorized!!!");

invokeIf(true, showWelcome, showUnauthorized); // "Welcome!!!"
invokeIf(false, showWelcome, showUnauthorized); // "Unauthorized!!!"

e.g. currying

</source lang="js"> const userLogs = userName => message =>

 console.log(`${userName} -> ${message}`);

const log = userLogs("grandpa23");

log("attempted to load 20 fake members"); getFakeMembers(20).then(

 members => log(`successfully loaded ${members.length} members`),
 error => log("encountered an error loading members")


// grandpa23 -> attempted to load 20 fake members // grandpa23 -> successfully loaded 20 members

// grandpa23 -> attempted to load 20 fake members // grandpa23 -> encountered an error loading members </source>