Japanese history

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A summary of the history of Japan
Era (時代) Year (년 Notes
Jomon (縄文)
  • Paleo-, meso-, neolithic age where rocks were broken or pulverized to make earthen-wares and bones were also used as tools
  • People related to one another by blood lived in caves convenient for hunting and fishing
  • Modern Japanese refer to the people of this era as their early ancestors
Yayoi (弥生)
  • Lithic and metallic potteries were used
  • Sedentism leads to separation of jobs and ordering of people by ranks
  • Bronzewares appear not for everyday use, but for decoration, rites, and precious items
Yamato (大和) circa 300 AD
  • A power structure, based on Yamato ruling class, formed around the emperor unifies most of Japan
538 (552) AD
  • Buddhism is introduced through Baekjae
592 AD
  • Prince Shotoku (聖徳) becomes a regent and Buddhism grows significantly
607 AD
645 AD
701 AD
708 AD
Nara 710 AD
712 AD
713 AD
720 AD
752 AD
754 AD
Heian 794 AD
805 AD
806 AD
807 AD
894 AD
1053 AD