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→‎Ministry: De imitatione Christi
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* East Asian Classics (東洋古文, 동양고문)
* East Asian Classics (東洋古文, 동양고문)
** [[천자문|One Thousand Characters (千字文, 천자문)]]
** [[천자문|One Thousand Characters (千字文, 천자문)]]
*** [[음독천자문서|OTC Booklet for Reading (音讀千字文書, [읽기 연습을 위한] 음독천자문서)]]
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
*** [[대학|The Great Learning (大學, 대학)]]
*** [[대학|The Great Learning (大學, 대학)]]
*** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸, 중용)
*** Mencius (孟子, 맹자)
*** Analects (論語, 논어)
*** Classic of Poetry (詩經, 시경)
*** Book of Documents (書經, 서경)
*** Book of Changes (易經, 역경)
*** Book of Rites (禮記, 례기)
*** Annals of Spring and Autumn (春秋, 춘추)
** [[고사성어|East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어)]]

* [[고사성어|East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어)]]
== Classical Music (古樂, 고악) ==
= Classical Music (古樂, 고악) =

* East Asian Music (極東樂, 극동악)
* East Asian Music (極東樂, 극동악)
** Korea (韓國, 한국)
** Korea (韓國, 한국)
*** [[gayageum|gayageum (伽倻琴, 가야금)]]
** China (中國, 중국)
** China (中國, 중국)
*** [[guzheng|guzheng (古箏, 고쟁)]]
*** [[guzheng|guzheng (古箏, 고쟁)]]
*** [[pipa|pipa (琵琶, 비파)]]
*** [[pipa|pipa (琵琶, 비파)]]
*** guqin (古琴, 고금)
*** [[guqin|guqin (古琴, 고금)]]
** Japan (日本, 일본)
** Japan (日本, 일본)
*** Court music (雅楽, 아악, gagaku)
*** Court music (雅楽, 아악, gagaku)
**** [[sokyoku|sokyoku (箏曲, 쟁곡)]]
**** [[sokyoku|sokyoku (箏曲, 쟁곡)]]

= Technology =
== Notes ==
* [[학자|Scholars (學者, 학자)]]
* [[고문|Old texts (古文, 고문)]]
* Korean [http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=05Q02&articleno=11822827&categoryId=4&regdt=20110628201011 國樂의 意義]
* [[Internet privacy]]
= Development and sysadmin =

* [[System administration]]
** [[KVM]]
** [[Linux]]
** [[CentOS]]
** [[Git]]
** [[Byobu]]
** [[Nagios]]
** [[Windows 10]], [[Windows]]
* [[Development]]
* [[Development]]
* [[Databases]]
** [[Flutter]]
* [[Web development]]
** [[Jira]]
* [[System administration]]
** [[Databases]]
* [[Editors]]
** [[Web development]]
** [[Dart]]
** [[Editors]]
* [[Audio]]
* [[Audio]]
* [[Neural net lexicon]]
* [[Neural net lexicon]]
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= Ministry =
= Ministry =

* [[Ministry resources|한국교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)]]
* [[Ministry resources|교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)]]
* Bibles (聖經)
* [[日本キリスト教]]
** Bible in Korean + Hanja Characters (한국어성경, 韓國語聖經)
* Bibles (聖經, 성경)
*** [[국한문성경|Korean Bible with hanja (국한문개역성경, 國漢文改易聖經)]]
** [[국한문성경|Korean Bible with hanja (국한문개역성경, 國漢文改易聖經 aka 한국어성경, 韓國語聖經)]]
**** [http://www.sihong.pe.kr/ 混用]
*** [http://www.sihong.pe.kr/ 混用]
** [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E8%81%96%E7%B6%93_(%E6%96%87%E7%90%86%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88) Wenli Union Version - in classical Chinese (문리합본판성경, 文理和合版聖經)]  
** [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E8%81%96%E7%B6%93_(%E6%96%87%E7%90%86%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88) Wenli Union Version - in classical Chinese (문리합본판성경, 文理和合版聖經)]  
*** [https://www.bible.com/versions/1578 YouVersion 《文理和合譯本》 (CUHWV)]
*** [https://www.bible.com/versions/1578 YouVersion 《文理和合譯本》 (CUHWV)]
*** [http://rcuv.hkbs.org.hk/RCUVs_1/GEN/1/ Hong Kong Bible Society (RCUV)]
** [[日本語聖書]]
* Devotionals (敬虔文書, 경건문서)
** [[주님은 나의 최고봉|오스왈드 챔버스作 《주님은 나의 최고봉》]]
** [[De imitatione Christi|토마스 아 켐피스作 《그리스도를 본받아》]]



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