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== Traditional Medicine (古醫書, 고의서) ==
== Traditional Medicine (古醫書, 고의서) ==

* [https://mediclassics.kr/books/8 Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑, 동의보감)]
* East Asian Medical Traditions
*[https://oasis.kiom.re.kr/herblib/ 한약자원연구센터 (kiom.re.kr)] (e.g. https://herba.kr/boncho/?m=view&t=dict&id=8737)
** Chinese Medicine (中醫)
*** Foundational Texts
**** [[황제내경|Huangdi Neijing (黃帝內經) - The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon]] – Foundational text of Chinese medicine, comprising Suwen (素問) and Lingshu (靈樞).
**** [[난경|Nanjing (難經) - Classic of Difficult Issues]] – Commentary and elucidation of the Huangdi Neijing.
**** [[상한론|Shanghan Lun (傷寒論) - Treatise on Cold Damage]] and [[금궤요략|Jingui Yaolue (金匱要略) - Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet]] by Zhang Zhongjing.
**** [[신농본초경|Shennong Bencao Jing (神農本草經) - Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica]] – Earliest known pharmacopoeia in China.
*** Later Dynastic Texts
**** [[주후비급방|Zhouhou Beiji Fang (肘後備急方) by Ge Hong]] – Emergency prescriptions.
**** [[침구대성|Zhenjiu Dacheng (鍼灸大成) by Yang Jizhou]] – Comprehensive compilation on acupuncture and moxibustion.
**** [[비급구전|Beiji Qianjin Yaofang (備急千金要方) & Qianjin Yifang (千金翼方) by Sun Simiao]] – Influential Tang dynasty medical compendia.
**** [[본초강목|Bencao Gangmu (本草綱目) by Li Shizhen]] – Definitive Ming dynasty materia medica with thousands of substances.
**** [[의림개착|Yilin Gaicuo (醫林改錯) by Wang Qingren]] – Qing dynasty work emphasizing blood stasis.
*** Specialty Texts
**** [[동원십서|Dongyuan Shishu (東垣十書)]] – Works by Li Dongyuan focusing on spleen and stomach theory.
**** [[온병학|Wenbing Xue (溫病學) - Warm disease theory]]: Wenre Lun (溫熱論) by Ye Tianshi, and Wenbing Tiaobian (溫病條辨) by Wu Jutong.
** Korean Medicine (韓醫)
*** [[향약집성방|Hyangyak Jipseongbang (鄕藥集成方)]] – Korean herbal formula compendium compiled under King Sejong.
*** [[의방유취|Uibang Yuuchwi (醫方類聚)]] – Extensive Korean medical encyclopedia from the Joseon period.
*** [[동의보감|Donguibogam (東醫寶鑑) by Heo Jun]] – Landmark Joseon dynasty medical text, synthesizing Chinese and Korean traditions. [https://mediclassics.kr/books/8 Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑, 동의보감)]
**** [https://oasis.kiom.re.kr/herblib/ 한약자원연구센터 (kiom.re.kr)] (e.g. https://herba.kr/boncho/?m=view&t=dict&id=8737)
*** [[벽온신방|Byeogon Shinbang (辟瘟新方)]] – Treatises on epidemic diseases.
** Japanese Medicine (和方)
*** [[의심방|Ishinpō (醫心方) by Tamba Yasuyori]] – Oldest surviving Japanese medical text, strongly influenced by Chinese medicine.
*** Later Kanpō (漢方) commentaries and collections of formulas influenced by Chinese classics.
** Mongolian and Tibetan Medicine
*** [[사스라|Gyüshi (rGyud-bZhi) - The Four Tantras]] – Foundation of Tibetan medical knowledge.
*** Mongolian medical treatises often based on Tibetan and Chinese traditions, e.g., translations of rGyud-bZhi and pharmacopoeias.
* South Asian Medical Traditions
** Ayurveda (India)
*** Foundational Samhitas
**** [[카이야 삼히타|Charaka Samhita]] – Classic Ayurveda text on internal medicine (Kayachikitsa).
**** [[수슈루타 삼히타|Sushruta Samhita]] – Foundational surgical and anatomical text in Ayurveda.
**** [[아슈탕가 하르다야|Ashtanga Hridaya]] and [[아슈탕가 상그라하|Ashtanga Sangraha]] by Vagbhata – Comprehensive Ayurvedic treatises summarizing earlier works.
*** Additional and Regional Texts
**** [[마다바 니다나|Madhava Nidana]] – Important diagnostic compendium.
**** [[바바 프라카샤|Bhava Prakash]] – Ayurveda materia medica and theory of Dravya (substances).
**** Ancient [[리그베다|Rig Veda]] and [[아타르바베다|Atharva Veda]] references to healing herbs and rituals.
** Siddha (South India)
*** [[아기얀나 사라쿠|Agathiyar Gunavakadam]] and other texts attributed to Siddhars focusing on herbal remedies, alchemy, and longevity.
** Unani (Greco-Arabic tradition in India)
*** Works influenced by Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna’s Canon, adapted into the South Asian milieu.
* Middle Eastern and Greco-Roman Medical Traditions
** Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian
*** [[에버스 파피루스|Ebers Papyrus]] – Ancient Egyptian medical papyrus with herbal remedies.
*** [[스미스 파피루스|Edwin Smith Papyrus]] – Surgical cases, anatomical observations.
** Greco-Roman Tradition
*** [[히포크라테스 전집|Hippocratic Corpus]] – The foundation of Western medical thought.
*** [[갈레노스|Galen of Pergamon]] – Extensive treatises on anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and theory of the humors.
*** [[디오스코리데스 약물론|De Materia Medica by Dioscorides]] – Influential herbal pharmacopoeia.
** Persian and Islamic Golden Age Medicine
*** [[아비센나|The Canon of Medicine (Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb) by Avicenna (Ibn Sina)]] – Authoritative medieval medical encyclopedia synthesizing Greek and Islamic knowledge.
*** [[라지|Al-Razi (Rhazes) works]] – “Al-Hawi” (Comprehensive Book), treatises on measles, smallpox.
*** [[알마주시|Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Majusi (Haly Abbas)’s Kitab al-Malaki]] – Another influential medical compendium.
*** [[이븐 알나피스|Ibn al-Nafis]] – Commentary on the Canon, early description of pulmonary circulation.
*** [[이븐 마사웨이|Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ibn Masawayh]] – Translators and compilers of Greek medical texts into Arabic.
* African Traditions
** Ancient and Coptic medical traditions recorded in papyri and inscriptions.
** Ethiopian medical manuscripts (often Christian-influenced) combining herbal remedies and prayers.
** Griotic and oral traditions in West Africa preserved knowledge of medicinal plants and healing rituals, though few written “classics” predate colonial eras.
* Mesoamerican and South American Traditions
** Aztec and Maya herbal codices
*** [[바다리아노스 필사본|Badianus Manuscript (Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis)]] – Aztec herbal remedies recorded post-conquest.
*** Maya Dresden Codex contains references to rituals and medicinal plants.
** Incan Quipus (knotted cords) and chroniclers’ records (e.g., Huarochirí Manuscript) contain references to healing rituals, though less “textual” in a traditional sense.
* European Medieval and Renaissance Tradition
** European Herbals and Materia Medica (Pre-Modern)
*** [[힐데가르트 폰 빙엔|Hildegard of Bingen’s Physica]] – Medieval European medical and herbal treatise.
*** [[치라르두스|Circa Instans (Platearius)]] – Salerno medical school herbals.
*** [[Paracelsus]] – Renaissance physician-alchemist, works bridging medieval and early modern thought.
** Monastic medicinal manuscripts and hospital records preserving Greco-Roman medical knowledge.
* Additional Influential Texts and Pharmacopoeias
** Traditional Pharmacopoeias
*** [[탕두징|Tang Materia Medica]] (China)
*** Later dynastic and regional materia medicas: [[정화본초|Zhenghe Bencao]], [[향약채취월령|Hyangyak Chaecheuk Wolyeong]] (Korea)
** Across Cultural Exchanges
*** Islamic translations of Galen and Hippocrates contributed back into Europe (in Latin translations) – e.g. Constantinus Africanus at Salerno.
*** Jesuit missionary records and European travelers’ manuscripts documenting Asian and American medicinal plants.
** Oral to Written Transitions
*** Many traditions were originally oral (e.g., African, Oceanian, Indigenous Americas), and only recorded by colonizers or missionaries, or transcribed into written form much later. While not “classical” books, these collected works form corpora of traditional medical knowledge.

== Traditional Architecture (古建築, 고건축/전통건축) ==
== Traditional Architecture (古建築, 고건축/전통건축) ==

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