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[[Mental Models]]
== Living life better ==
[[SARS-CoV-2|COVID-19 (coronavirus disease, 코로나)]]
= Audio collection =
* [ Aaronic Blessing] (Nehemiah 6:24-26)
= Horticulture =
* [ 콩 심기와 재배법] ([ PDF])
= Anthropology =
* [[Natives]]
= Artificial intelligence =
* [ AI Meets the Bible] ([ PDF])
* [ ChatGPT-4 Technical Report]
* Links
** for making podcasts:
== [[Cultural Literacy]] ==
== Music ==
* [[Pop music]]
= [[Mythology]] =
= News clipping =
* Diet
**[ 2021-11-19 (조선일보, 푸드) '혈관 청소부' 양파, '이렇게' 먹어야 효과 제대로] - ([ PDF])
**[ 2023-01-07 (The New York Times, food) The Mediterranean Diet Really Is That Good for You. Here’s Why] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2023-05-14 (Albuquerque Journal, Local/State) Stop dancing around the carcinogens in our water] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-12 (Scientific American, epigenetics) How Dad’s Stresses Get Passed Along to Offspring] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-09 (New Yorker, Annals of Medicine) Why Doctors Hate Their Computers] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-08 (Gizmodo, Archaeology) Three New DNA Studies Are Shaking Up the History of Humans in the Americas] - ([ PDF])
* International Affairs
** [ 2017-09-14 (Miami Herald) Cuba mystery grows: New details on what befell US diplomats] - ([ PDF])
* Genetics
** [ 2020-11-02 (Quanta Magazine, Science) The Epigenetic Secrets Behind Dopamine, Drug Addiction and Depression] - ([ PDF])
* Technology
** [ 2018-12-09 (New Yorker, Technology) The Friendship that made Google Huge] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2015-10-14 (The Atlantic, Internet) Raiders of the Lost Web: If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can.] - ([ Snapshot])
** [ 2020-02-05 (Forbes) FBI 'Drive-By' Hacking Warning Just Got Real: Here's How This Malicious New Threat Works] - ([ PDF])
* Politics
** [ 2018-12-09 (PolitiFact) Complex tale involving Hillary Clinton, uranium and Russia resurfaces] - ([ PDF])
** {{newsclip||2021-09-04|The Economist, Briefing|How did American “wokeness” jump from elite schools to everyday life?|}}
** {{newsclip||2023-03-27|Boston Herald, Opinion|McCaughey: Sex education is getting too extreme|}}
* Finance
** {{newsclip||2023-08-25|New York Times, Business|At 30%, Solar Panel Tax Credits Are at a High Point for Now|}}
* Languages
** [ 2020-12-21 (서울신문) ‘아시타비(我是他非)‘ 교수신문 올해의 사자성어 선정] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2021-03-02 (조선일보) ‘이오마디’ ‘박검동’… 이 이름, 한글의 역사로 남았다] - ([ PDF])
= AI =
* [[Personal notes on AI]]
* [ Machine learning — Is the emperor wearing clothes?] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
*[[Machine learning]]
= Cars =
* [[2002 Nissan Sentra GXE]]
* [[2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V]]
*[[2007 Honda Odyssey]]
*[[2016 Nissan Altima]]
= 人物 =
== 栗谷 李珥 ==
* [ 거경(居敬), 궁리(窮理), 역행(力行)의 뜻과 실천지침] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
* [ 天道策]
* [ Short biography] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
= Entrepreneurship =
* [[Business|Business notes]]
* {{newsclip||2019-01-24|Sam Altman's Blog|How To Be Successful|}}
= Personal hygiene =

* [[Mental Models]]
* [[Marriage]]
* [[Dental care]]
* [[Dental care]]
* Personality
** [[Personality|Five main factors of personality]]
* [[Health]]
* [[Study methods]]
** Study tools
*** [ LineByLine]
*** [ AnkiWeb]
*** [ Quizlet]
*** [[Mind mapping]]

= Personality =
== Psychology ==
* [[Personality|Five main factors of personality]]
= Marriage =
[[St. Gerard, then Wife]]
[ Two important things in marriage] ([ Snapshot])
== 상대방과 대화하는 법 ==
# '''극적인 표현'''은 하지 않는다.
# '''상대방 생각'''을 다 아는 것 처럼 말하지 않는다.
# "나" 라는 단어를 더 많이쓰고 "너"라는 표현은 자제한다.
# 종합적으로 말하지 말고 자세히 말한다.
* 부정적 감정을 상대가 말할때 방어적 태새만 취하지 않는다. 부정적 감정을 잘 표현하는 것보다 더 어렵다.
* 상대의 불평을 방어적 태세를 취하지 않고 들어주어야 한다.  방어적 태세는 나만 정당성이 입증되면 되고 상대방의 감정따위는 상관없다라고 말하는 것과 같다.
= computers =
* [[IRC]]
* [[WSL]]
* [[Google Chrome]]
* [[NAS]]
* [[Remarkable2]]
== iPad ==
* [[iPad]]
== Reverse engineering ==
* [ An intro to x86_64 reverse engineering]
* [ hackaday link]
* [ IDA Pro]
* [ Binary patching]
* [ exploit database]
== Ergonomics ==
* [[Direction Desk]]
* [[Standing Desk]]
== Languages ==
* [ Wolfram Language]
== Developers ==
* [ Edward K. (Java)] - Korean
== Privacy ==
* [[GnuPG]]
== MediaWiki ==
* [[MediaWiki:Common.css|Link to edit the custom Common.css]]
* [[Current custom CSS|Custom styles in use]]
* [ Available lexers via Syntaxhighlight Geshi using Pygments]
* My templates
** '''Example:''' ''Lasted tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (2018-01-01)''
*** <nowiki>{{testedon|2018-01-01|Ubuntu 18.04}}</nowiki>
== N.N. related ==
* ([ mirror], [ Online archive])
==Raspberry Pi==
== Hackintosh ==
== Mechanical Keyboards ==
* Switches
== typing ==
;Hi Games
== Home media server ==
== Galaxy Watch 5 Pro ==
=== Sideloading apk ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
$ adb pair
$ adb connect
$ adb -s install whatever.apk
= math =
== Data Visualization ==
= 3d =
== FX ==
== printing ==
== Gardening ==
Recommended by old-timers
* Rosemary
** Good for wounds and healing
* Southernwood
** Good natural repellant for moths and ants
=== Air purifying plants ===
* [ 10 of the Best Plants for the Bedroom | Casper Blog]
= Health =
* My personal keto macros (as recommended on site, 200 lbs, 28% fat): 1936 cal, 155g fats, 115g protein, 20g carbs)
* [ 눈운동]
* [[Gout|통풍에 좋고 나쁜 음식 (Food for gout)]]
*[[Fatty liver|지방간에 좋고 나쁜 음식 (Food for fatty liver)]]
* [[Longevity|노년의 뇌 건강]]
* [[Power Yoga]]
* [[Ankle Foot Exerciser]]
* [[Strength training]]
* [[Swimming]]
* [[Table tennis]]
* [[Health IT]]
* [[Keto diet]]
*[[Mediterranean diet]]
* [ Body recomposition]
* [[Vitamin supplements]]
==== Food ====
==== Exercises ====
* [ 하루 10분 운동으로 '남성기능' 최고되는 법: 비뇨기과 원장이 추천하는 운동 2가지] ([ PDF])
* [,Begin%20your%20run. Warm-up & cool-down for runs]
* Adventure
***'''Trekking''' - hiking long distance
***'''Hiking''' - require a daypack
***'''Backpacking tour''' - all gear & transportation provided, led by guides
**Trail and/or trekking
*** [[Clothing basics]]
*** [[Hiking]]
*** [[Mountain climbing]]
**** [[Electrolyte]]
*[[Snoring|To mitigate or stop snoring]]
==== Massage ====
* [,a%20chance%20to%20modulate%20pain. How to use a massage gun]
==== Psychology ====

* [ Attachment Theory]
* [ Attachment Theory]
Line 328: Line 20:
* [ Emotionally Focused Therapy]
* [ Emotionally Focused Therapy]

= Budo (武道) =
== Material world ==

* [[검법|The schools of swordsmanship (劍法, 검법)]]
* [[Horticulture]]
* [[Kendo|Kendo (剣道)]]
** [[Gardening]]
* [[Judo|Judo (柔道)]]
* Cars
** [[2002 Nissan Sentra GXE]]
= Drawing =
** [[2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V]]
** [[2007 Honda Odyssey]]
* [[Drawing|Notes on Drawing]]
** [[2016 Nissan Altima]]
* [ 12 principles of animation]
** [[EV]]
* [[Electricity]]
= Methods =
* [[Military]]
** [[CCW]]
* [[Study methods|공부 방법]]
* Ergonomics
** [[Direction Desk]]
= Korea =
** [[Standing Desk]]
* Korea
** [[Organizations in Korea]]
** [[족보]]
* [[Seal]]

* [[Organizations in Korea]]
== Literature ==
* [[족보]]
= Language learning =
{{#evt:service=youtube|id=|dimensions=300||description=by Sid Efromovich}}
# Make mistakes (i.e. get close enough to associate with existing memory content)
# Scrap the foreign alphabet (i.e. real -> he + ou)
# Find a stickler ()
# Have a shower conversations
# Use the buddy formula
## target language should be the best language in common, or best secret language in common
== 영화 씹어먹기 ==
{{#evt:service=youtube|id=|dimensions=300||description=by 신왕국}}
준비물: 영화 (animation recommended)
# 발성, 강세, 리듬 연습하기
# 딱 한 개의 영화 대사 씹어먹기 (internalize)
## guess what char is saying, and then check w/ the subtitle
## say at the same time w/ the character; repeat until you can say it like the native speaker
# 영화 한편을 씹어먹기
## 매일 매일, 꾸준히 해야 한다
= Literature =

* [[Independent scholarship]]
* [[Independent scholarship]]
Line 388: Line 58:
** H. P. Lovecraft -- writers of horror fiction, now famous for things like Cthulu, ancient astronaut, etc.
** H. P. Lovecraft -- writers of horror fiction, now famous for things like Cthulu, ancient astronaut, etc.
* [[Book lists]]
* [[Book lists]]
** [[Books]]
Line 396: Line 67:
** [ How to Edit Your Own Writing - The New York Times] ([ PDF]) 2020-04-14
** [ How to Edit Your Own Writing - The New York Times] ([ PDF]) 2020-04-14
** [[Academic Writing]]
** [[Academic Writing]]
* 유교와 기독교
* 유교와 기독교
* Hangeul
== Hangeul ==
* Historical documents
** [ 네이버 뉴스 라이브러리]
** [ 대한민국 신문 아카이브]
** [[Korean history]]
** [[Japanese history]]

== Hanzi / Hanja / Kanji / 文語 / 文言文 / 漢文 ==
== Hanzi / Hanja / Kanji / 文語 / 文言文 / 漢文 ==
Line 449: Line 122:
*[[wikibooks:Classical_Chinese|Wikibooks on Classical Chinese]]
*[[wikibooks:Classical_Chinese|Wikibooks on Classical Chinese]]

== Texts ==
== Mathematics ==
* Nearest Neighbor
** ([ mirror], [ Online archive])
* [[Mathematicians]]
* [ Data Visualization]
== Christianity ==
* Audio: [ Aaronic Blessing] (Nehemiah 6:24-26)
== 儒敎 ==
=== 人物 ===
==== 栗谷 李珥 ====
* [ 거경(居敬), 궁리(窮理), 역행(力行)의 뜻과 실천지침] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
* [ 天道策]
* [ Short biography] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
== Philosophy ==
== Business ==
=== Entrepreneurship ===
* [[Business|Business notes]]
* {{newsclip||2019-01-24|Sam Altman's Blog|How To Be Successful|}}
== Anthropology ==
* [[Natives]]
== Technology ==
* [[IRC]]
* [[WSL]]
* [[Google Chrome]]
* [[NAS]]
* [[Remarkable2]]
* [[iPad]]
* [[Kindle]]
* [[GnuPG]]
* [[MediaWiki]]
* [[Plex]]
* [[Galaxy Watch5 Pro]]
* [[3D]]
* [[InDesign]]
* Typing
** TypeRacer:
** NitroType:
** KeyHero:
** Hi Games:
* [ WebDAV at]
* [ Raspberry Pi]
* [ ARM]
* L4
* [ QNX]
* [ Kernel]
* [ Hurd]
* [[Hackintosh]]
* Mechanical Keyboards
** Switches
* [ Linux Documentation Project - How to write HOWTO]
=== Reverse engineering ===
* [ An intro to x86_64 reverse engineering]
* [ hackaday link]
* [ IDA Pro]
* [ Binary patching]
* [ exploit database]
=== Artificial intelligence ===
* [ AI Meets the Bible] ([ PDF])
* [ ChatGPT-4 Technical Report]
* [[Personal notes on AI]]
* [ Machine learning — Is the emperor wearing clothes?] ([ PDF], 2019-09-08)
*[[Machine learning]]
* Links
** for making podcasts:
=== Constructed languages ===

* [ Internet Sacred Text Archive]
* [ Wolfram Language]
* [ Early Christian Texts]
* [ Christian Classics Ethereal Library]
* [ Jewish texts]

== Religions ==
=== Developers ===
* [ Edward K. (Java)] - Korean
== Cultural literacy ==
* [[Mythology]]
== Music ==
* [[Pop music]]

== Books and Books and Books ==
== Movies ==

* [ Oxford Classical Texts]
* [[Chinese movies]]
* [ Oxford World's Classics]
* [[English movies]]
* Google result of +"<nowiki></nowiki>" filetype:pdf [ From The Warburg Institute @School of Advanced Study, University of London]
* [ Free Book Centre]

== Bible ==
== News clippings ==

* [ 평신도 고전학자의 성서읽기 14]
* Diet
* [ Overview of the Bible]
**[ 2021-11-19 (조선일보, 푸드) '혈관 청소부' 양파, '이렇게' 먹어야 효과 제대로] - ([ PDF])
* Softwares
**[ 2023-01-07 (The New York Times, food) The Mediterranean Diet Really Is That Good for You. Here’s Why] - ([ PDF])
** [[BibleWorks]]
** [ 2023-05-14 (Albuquerque Journal, Local/State) Stop dancing around the carcinogens in our water] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-12 (Scientific American, epigenetics) How Dad’s Stresses Get Passed Along to Offspring] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-09 (New Yorker, Annals of Medicine) Why Doctors Hate Their Computers] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2018-11-08 (Gizmodo, Archaeology) Three New DNA Studies Are Shaking Up the History of Humans in the Americas] - ([ PDF])
* International Affairs
** [ 2017-09-14 (Miami Herald) Cuba mystery grows: New details on what befell US diplomats] - ([ PDF])
* Genetics
** [ 2020-11-02 (Quanta Magazine, Science) The Epigenetic Secrets Behind Dopamine, Drug Addiction and Depression] - ([ PDF])
* Technology
** [ 2018-12-09 (New Yorker, Technology) The Friendship that made Google Huge] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2015-10-14 (The Atlantic, Internet) Raiders of the Lost Web: If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can.] - ([ Snapshot])
** [ 2020-02-05 (Forbes) FBI 'Drive-By' Hacking Warning Just Got Real: Here's How This Malicious New Threat Works] - ([ PDF])
* Politics
** [ 2018-12-09 (PolitiFact) Complex tale involving Hillary Clinton, uranium and Russia resurfaces] - ([ PDF])
** {{newsclip||2021-09-04|The Economist, Briefing|How did American “wokeness” jump from elite schools to everyday life?|}}
** {{newsclip||2023-03-27|Boston Herald, Opinion|McCaughey: Sex education is getting too extreme|}}
* Science
** {{newsclip||2025-03-17|The Guardian, Science|Unearthed notebooks shed light on Victorian genius who inspired Einstein|}}
* Finance
** {{newsclip||2023-08-25|New York Times, Business|At 30%, Solar Panel Tax Credits Are at a High Point for Now|}}
* Languages
** [ 2020-12-21 (서울신문) ‘아시타비(我是他非)‘ 교수신문 올해의 사자성어 선정] - ([ PDF])
** [ 2021-03-02 (조선일보) ‘이오마디’ ‘박검동’… 이 이름, 한글의 역사로 남았다] - ([ PDF])

= Historical Documents =
== Skill building ==

* [ 네이버 뉴스 라이브러리]
* Budo (武道)
* [ 대한민국 신문 아카이브]
** [[검법|The schools of swordsmanship (劍法, 검법)]]
* [[Korean history]]
** [[Kendo|Kendo (剣道)]]
*[[Japanese history]]
** [[Judo|Judo (柔道)]]
* Drawing
** [[Drawing|Notes on Drawing]]
** [ 12 principles of animation]
* Language Learning
** {{#evt:service=youtube|id=|dimensions=300||description=by Sid Efromovich}}
*# Make mistakes (i.e. get close enough to associate with existing memory content)
*# Scrap the foreign alphabet (i.e. real -> he + ou)
*# Find a stickler ()
*# Have a shower conversations
*# Use the buddy formula
*## target language should be the best language in common, or best secret language in common
* 영화 씹어먹기
** {{#evt:service=youtube|id=|dimensions=300||description=by 신왕국}}
*** 준비물: 영화 (animation recommended)
**# 발성, 강세, 리듬 연습하기
**# 딱 한 개의 영화 대사 씹어먹기 (internalize)
**## guess what char is saying, and then check w/ the subtitle
**## say at the same time w/ the character; repeat until you can say it like the native speaker
**# 영화 한편을 씹어먹기
**## 매일 매일, 꾸준히 해야 한다

= Notes =
= Notes =
Line 490: Line 301:
**[[Home renovation plan]]
**[[Home renovation plan]]

= Study tools =
* [ LineByLine]
* [ AnkiWeb]
* [ Quizlet]
* [[Mind mapping]]

= Miscellaneous =
= Miscellaneous =

* [[Military]]
* [[Seal]]
* [[Seal]]
* [[Sorbothane]]
* [[Sorbothane]]
Line 515: Line 319:
* [[Woki]]
* [[Woki]]
* [[Woodworking]]
* [[Woodworking]]
* [[CCW]]
* [[Notable people]]
* [[Notable people]]
Line 567: Line 370:
[ Public Domain Day 2019]
[ Public Domain Day 2019]

== Movies ==
== No longer relevant ==
[[Chinese movies]]
[[English movies]]
== Philosophy ==

* [[Archived]]
* [[Thoughts]]

Latest revision as of 20:48, 17 March 2025

Living life better


Material world


Hanzi / Hanja / Kanji / 文語 / 文言文 / 漢文





栗谷 李珥







Reverse engineering

Artificial intelligence

Constructed languages


Cultural literacy



News clippings

Skill building

  • Budo (武道)
  • Drawing
  • Language Learning
    • by Sid Efromovich
    1. Make mistakes (i.e. get close enough to associate with existing memory content)
    2. Scrap the foreign alphabet (i.e. real -> he + ou)
    3. Find a stickler ()
    4. Have a shower conversations
    5. Use the buddy formula
      1. target language should be the best language in common, or best secret language in common
  • 영화 씹어먹기
    • by 신왕국
      • 준비물: 영화 (animation recommended)
      1. 발성, 강세, 리듬 연습하기
      2. 딱 한 개의 영화 대사 씹어먹기 (internalize)
        1. guess what char is saying, and then check w/ the subtitle
        2. say at the same time w/ the character; repeat until you can say it like the native speaker
      3. 영화 한편을 씹어먹기
        1. 매일 매일, 꾸준히 해야 한다



RGB color values of old monochrome displays
Green (0,128,0) Amber (185,128,0)
organizational studies
William Bennis
mechanical watches
Mechanical watches
online radios
Progressive (Electronica), Venice Classic Radio Italia, European Server

Survival in the wilderness

Scientific papers



Digital Bible Platform EULA

Terms and Conditions of Use for

Public domain

Public Domain Day 2019

No longer relevant