Classical Literature (古典文學, 고전문학)
- Classical Chinese Characters (漢字, 한자) status槪念化
- East Asian Classics (東洋古文, 동양고문)
- One Thousand Characters (千字文, 천자문) status韓語完成, 2016-07-30
- Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
- The Great Learning (大學, 대학) status進行中
- The Doctrine of Mean (中庸, 중용)
- Mencius (孟子, 맹자)
- Analects (論語, 논어)
- Classic of Poetry (詩經, 시경)
- Book of Documents (書經, 서경)
- Book of Changes (易經, 역경)
- Book of Rites (禮記, 례기)
- Annals of Spring and Autumn (春秋, 춘추)
- East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어) status進行中
Classical Music (古樂, 고악)
- East Asian Music (極東樂, 극동악)
- Korea (韓國, 한국)
- China (中國, 중국)
- Japan (日本, 일본)
- Court music (雅楽, 아악, gagaku)
Development and sysadmin
- 교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)
- 日本キリスト教
- Bibles (聖經, 성경)
- Devotionals (敬虔文書, 경건문서)