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= Classical Literature (古典文學, 고전문학) =
== Classical Literature (古典文學 고전문학) ==

* [[漢字|Classical Chinese Characters (漢字, 한자)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>
* East Asian Classics (東洋古文 동양고문)
* East Asian Classics (東洋古文, 동양고문)
** Beginning educational texts (初學 초학)
** [[천자문|One Thousand Characters (千字文, 천자문)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓語完成, 2016-07-30</span>
*** [[삼자경|Three Character Classic (三字經 삼자경)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中, 開始日 2024-02-20</span>
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經, 사서오경)
*** [[백가성|One Hundred Family Names (百家姓 백가성)]]
*** [[대학|The Great Learning (大學, 대학)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
*** [[천자문|One Thousand Characters (千字文 천자문)]] <span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓文完成, 終了日 2016-07-30</span>
*** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸, 중용)
*** [[사자소학|Four Character Book of Learning (四字小學 사자소학)]] <span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓文完成, 終了日 2024-03-18</span>
*** Mencius (孟子, 맹자)
*** [[추구|Compiled Writings (推句 추구)]] <span class="badge bdata bggreen bgyellow">原文完成, 終了日 2024-03-18</span>
*** Analects (論語, 논어)
*** Prose (散文 산문)
*** Classic of Poetry (詩經, 시경)
**** [[동몽선습|Starting text for teaching the young (童蒙先習 동몽선습)]]
*** Book of Documents (書經, 서경)
**** [[명심보감|The Precious Mirror for A Bright Heart/Mind (明心寶鑑 명심보감)]]
*** Book of Changes (易經, 역경)
**** [[격몽요결| The Secret of Expelling Ignorance (擊蒙要訣 격몽요결)]]
*** Book of Rites (禮記, 례기)
*** Misc
*** Annals of Spring and Autumn (春秋, 춘추)
**** Combined Categories [of Various Topics for Tutelage of Children] (類合 유합)
** [[고사성어|East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
**** Collection of Characters for Training the Unenlightened (訓蒙字會 훈몽자회)
** Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經 사서오경)
*** 四書
**** [[대학|The Great Learning (大學 대학)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
**** Analects (論語 논어)
**** Mencius (孟子 맹자)
**** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸 중용)
*** 五經
**** Book of Odes (詩經 시경)
**** Book of Documents (書經 서경)
**** Book of Changes (易經 역경)
**** Book of Rites (禮記 예기)
***** Rites of Zhou (周禮 주례)
**** Annals of Spring and Autumn (春秋 춘추)
** 孝
*** 孝子傳, 藝文類聚, 太平御覽, 搜神記
*** The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars (二十四孝 이십사효)
** The Thirteen Classics (十三經 십삼경) from Han dynasty to Song dynasty
*** Book of Changes (易經 역경)
*** Book of Documents (書經 서경)
*** Book of Odes (詩經 시경)
*** Three [Books of] Rites (三禮 삼례)
**** Rites of Zhou (周禮 주례)
**** Ceremonies and Rites (儀禮 의례)
**** Book of Rites (禮記 예기)
*** The Great Learning (大學 대학)
*** The Doctrine of Mean (中庸 중용)
*** Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋三傳 춘추삼전)
**** The Commentary of Zuo (左傳 좌전)
**** The Commentary of Gongyang (公羊傳 공양전)
**** The Commentary of Guliang (穀梁傳 곡량전)
*** Analects (論語 논어)
*** The Classic of Filial Piety (孝經 효경)
*** Erya, the Dictionary (爾雅 이아)
*** Mencius (孟子 맹자)
** [[고사성어|East Asian Idioms based on Old Stories (故事成語, 고사성어)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
* [[漢字|Classical Chinese Characters (漢字, 한자)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>
=== Notes ===
* [[공자의 사학|孔子之私學]]
* [[주자학 망국론|조선은 주자학 때문에 망했을까?]]
* [[학자|Scholars (學者, 학자)]]
* [[고문|Old texts (古文, 고문)]]
* Korean [http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=05Q02&articleno=11822827&categoryId=4&regdt=20110628201011 國樂의 意義]
* [[Internet privacy]]
* 大學之道在止於至善
** [http://m.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=37888 대학지도재지어지선(大學之道在止於至善)]
* [[조선시대의 삶|조선시대의 兩班들의 삶 (Life of Yangbans during Joseon dynasty)]]
* [[24절기|24 Seasons (二十四節氣, 24절기)]]
* [[Hanja IME|Hanja IME (漢字入力, 한자입력)]] - ZhengMa Input Method (鄭碼輸入法, 정마수입법)
* [[How Korean pronunciations of hanja are linked to Chinese pronunciation]]
* [[朱子家禮]]
* [[진리편독삼자경]]
* [http://yoksa.aks.ac.kr/main.jsp 한국학 디지털 아카이브]
== Classical Education/Arts (古藝, 고예) ==
=== Eastern (東) ===
* Six Arts (六藝, 육예) from Zhou (周, 주) (1046 - 256 BC)
** Rites (禮, 례)
** Music (樂, 악)
*** [[文廟祭禮樂|문묘제례악 (文廟祭禮樂)]]
** Archery (射, 사)
** Charioteering (御, 어)
** [[Calligraphy|Calligraphy (書, 서)]]
** Mathematics (數, 수) (장기나 바둑같은 것도 數에 포함)
* Four Arts (四藝) from Tang (唐, 당) (618 - 907 AD)
** Stringed instrument, qin/guqin (琴, 금)
** [[Baduk|Strategy game of baduk, go, qi/weiqi (棋/圍棋, 바둑, 기)]]
** [[Calligraphy|Calligraphy, shu (書, 서)]]
** Painting, hua (畫, 화)
* [[서당|서당 (書堂, Village School)]]
*By countries
=== Western (西) ===
* Liberal arts education since [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boethius Boethius] ([https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%B3%B4%EC%9D%B4%ED%8B%B0%EC%9A%B0%EC%8A%A4 보이티우스 (또는 보에티우스)] 이후의 교양교육)
** Trivium (三學, 삼학)
*** Grammar (文法, 문법)
*** Logic (論理學, 논리학)
*** Rhetoric (修辭學, 수사학)
** Quadrivium (四科, 사과)
*** Arithmetic; abstractions
*** Geometry; spatial
*** Music; time
*** Astronomy; spacetime
** Advanced (高等敎育, 고등교육)
*** Theology (神學, 신학)
*** Philosophy (哲學, 철학)
* Modern liberal arts education
** Arts (fine arts, music, performing arts, literature)
** [[Philosophy]]
** Religious studies
** Social science ([[Anthropology|anthropology]], geography, history, jurisprudence, linguistics, political science, [[Psychology|psychology]], sociology)
** Mathematics
** Natural Sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences)

== Classical Music (古樂, 고악) ==
== Classical Music (古樂, 고악) ==
Line 29: Line 127:
**** [[sokyoku|sokyoku (箏曲, 쟁곡)]]
**** [[sokyoku|sokyoku (箏曲, 쟁곡)]]

== Notes ==
== Traditional Medicine (古醫書, 고의서) ==
* [https://mediclassics.kr/books/8 Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑, 동의보감)]
*[https://oasis.kiom.re.kr/herblib/ 한약자원연구센터 (kiom.re.kr)] (e.g. https://herba.kr/boncho/?m=view&t=dict&id=8737)
== Traditional Architecture (古建築, 고건축/전통건축) ==
* Reference notes
** Korea (韓國, 한국)
*** https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=oosiohc&logNo=3960516&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
*** http://m.materic.or.kr/res/res01_view.asp?f_id=91&page=2&s_kinds=&s_word=
** China (中國, 중국)
*** http://english.cri.cn/12474/2014/06/24/167s833048.htm
** Japan (日本, 일본)
*** https://www.japan-talk.com/jt/new/japanese-houses

* [[학자|Scholars (學者, 학자)]]
* Ancient architecture
* [[고문|Old texts (古文, 고문)]]
** [https://private.michaelhan.net/snapshots/ancient-gaya-house.pdf Gaya (伽倻, 가야)]
* Korean [http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=05Q02&articleno=11822827&categoryId=4&regdt=20110628201011 國樂의 意義]
* [[Internet privacy]]
== Language Learning ==
* [[Kannada Language]]
* [[Korean Language]]
** [[Debate on hangeul hanja mixed usage]]
* [[Japanese Language]]
* [[Chinese Languages]]
* [[漢字敎育]]
* [[Lexicography]]
* Resources
** [https://downloads.freemdict.com/ Dictionaries]
** [http://ipa-reader.xyz/ IPA reader]
** [http://musa.bet/home.htm Musa, the better way to write any language]

= Development and sysadmin =
== Development ==

* [[System administration]]
* [[Databases]]
** [[KVM]]
** [[Oracle]]
** [[Linux]]
** [[CentOS]]
** [[Git]]
** [[Byobu]]
** [[Nagios]]
** [[Windows 10]], [[Windows]]
* [[Development]]
* [[Development]]
** [[Marmoi]]
** [[D3.js]]
** [[Ruby]]
** [[Semantic web]]
** [[Solid]]
** [[Solid]]
** [[Flutter]]
** [[Flutter]]
** [[Jira]]
** [[Databases]]
** [[Web development]]
** [[Web development]]
** [[Dart]]
* Networking
** [[Editors]]
** [[Networking]]
* [[Audio]]
** [[VPN]]
* [[Neural net lexicon]]
** [[Pi-hole]]
** [[Nginx]]
** [https://daniel.haxx.se/http2/ HTTP/2]
** [https://daniel.haxx.se/http3-explained/ HTTP/3]
* [[Drivers]]
More development related contents are available via [[WIP]]

= Ministry =
== Ministry ==

* [[Ministry resources|교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)]]
* [[Ministry resources|교회사역 관련 자료 (Ministry Resources)]]
* [[Missions|Missions (宣敎, 선교)]]
* [[日本キリスト教]]
* [[日本キリスト教]]
* Bibles (聖經, 성경)
* Bibles (聖經, 성경)
** [[국한문성경|Korean Bible with hanja (국한문개역성경, 國漢文改易聖經 aka 한국어성경, 韓國語聖經)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓語完成, 2017-08-16</span>
** [[국한문성경|Korean Bible with hanja (국한문개역성경, 國漢文改易聖經 aka 한국어성경, 韓國語聖經)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bgyellow">韓語完成, 2017-08-16</span>
*** [http://www.sihong.pe.kr/ 混用]
*** [http://www.sihong.pe.kr/ 混用]
*** [http://www.cherald.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=6471 한자성경과 천자문 배우기]
** [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E8%81%96%E7%B6%93_(%E6%96%87%E7%90%86%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88) Wenli Union Version - in classical Chinese (문리합본판성경, 文理和合版聖經)]  
** [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E8%81%96%E7%B6%93_(%E6%96%87%E7%90%86%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88) Wenli Union Version - in classical Chinese (문리합본판성경, 文理和合版聖經)]  
*** [http://www.hanjanews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=5660 1912 漢文聖經]
*** [https://www.bible.com/versions/1578 YouVersion 《文理和合譯本》 (CUHWV)]
*** [https://www.bible.com/versions/1578 YouVersion 《文理和合譯本》 (CUHWV)]
*** [http://rcuv.hkbs.org.hk/RCUVs_1/GEN/1/ Hong Kong Bible Society (RCUV)]
*** [http://rcuv.hkbs.org.hk/RCUVs_1/GEN/1/ Hong Kong Bible Society (RCUV)]
** [[新改訳聖書|New Japanese Revised Bible with rubi (후리가나 포함된 일본어 신개역성서)]] <span class="badge blabel">status</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>
** [[新改訳聖書|New Japanese Revised Bible with rubi (新改訳聖書, 후리가나 포함된 일본어 신개역성서)]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">槪念化</span>
*** [[日本語聖書|About commonly used Japanese Bibles (日本語聖書)]]
*** [[日本語聖書|About commonly used Japanese Bibles (日本語聖書)]]
* Bible reading plans (聖經閱讀計劃表, 성경읽기표)
** [http://sihong.pe.kr/cn/[1year].html 관주성경사이트 읽기표]
** [http://b.woorichurch.org/tongdok.asp?lef=2 분당우리교회 읽기표]
** [https://oneyearbibleonline.com/reading-plan-downloads/ Tyndale 일년 읽기표]
* Devotionals (敬虔文書, 경건문서)
* Devotionals (敬虔文書, 경건문서)
** [[주님은 나의 최고봉|오스왈드 챔버스作 《주님은 나의 최고봉》]]
** [[Chambers/Utmost|오스왈드 챔버스作 《주님은 나의 최고봉》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span> ([[Chambers/Utmost/{{LOCALMONTH1}}-{{LOCALDAY}}|오늘의 글 읽기]])
** [[De imitatione Christi|토마스 아 켐피스作 《그리스도를 본받아》]]
** [[Chambers/Thoughts|오스왈드 챔버스作 《제자를 위한 매일의 생각》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
** [[De imitatione Christi|토마스 아 켐피스作 《그리스도를 본받아》]] <span class="badge blabel">現況</span><span class="badge bdata bggreen">進行中</span>
* [[Common theological misunderstandings|Common misunderstandings (反管窺蠡測 일반적인 오해)]]
== Miscellaneous ==
* Virtual meetings
** [[Zoom]]
*[[Tragedy of modernity]]



Revision as of 12:54, 30 April 2024

Classical Literature (古典文學 고전문학)


Classical Education/Arts (古藝, 고예)

Eastern (東)

Western (西)

  • Liberal arts education since Boethius (보이티우스 (또는 보에티우스) 이후의 교양교육)
    • Trivium (三學, 삼학)
      • Grammar (文法, 문법)
      • Logic (論理學, 논리학)
      • Rhetoric (修辭學, 수사학)
    • Quadrivium (四科, 사과)
      • Arithmetic; abstractions
      • Geometry; spatial
      • Music; time
      • Astronomy; spacetime
    • Advanced (高等敎育, 고등교육)
      • Theology (神學, 신학)
      • Philosophy (哲學, 철학)
  • Modern liberal arts education
    • Arts (fine arts, music, performing arts, literature)
    • Philosophy
    • Religious studies
    • Social science (anthropology, geography, history, jurisprudence, linguistics, political science, psychology, sociology)
    • Mathematics
    • Natural Sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences)

Classical Music (古樂, 고악)

Traditional Medicine (古醫書, 고의서)

Traditional Architecture (古建築, 고건축/전통건축)

Language Learning


More development related contents are available via WIP

